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Children. Life, What ItВ Was
Rza Ragimovich Kafarov

I think that modern children (and some adults) will find it useful and interesting to learn about the life of children of past years. So it won’t be like Hamlet said “The link of time has broken up” from the tragedy of W. Shakespeare’s. I am sure that everyone needs to remember and take into account the remarkable words of the outstanding Soviet and Russian writer S. V. Mikhalkov: “TODAY IS CHILDREN, TOMORROW IS PEOPLE”. The future of the country will depend on the education of current children

Children. Life, What ItВ Was

Rza Ragimovich Kafarov

© Rza Ragimovich Kafarov, 2019

ISBNВ 978-5-0050-2368-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

View photos on this topic.

0- Great PatrioticВ War

Three photos ofВ the war (SectionВ 0).

0—1 Great Patriotic War. Spotlights lit in the night sky enemy aircraft. When the searchlights brighten the plane, the warriors will see it at the anti-aircraft guns. The anti-aircraft guns start firing projectiles at the plane, damage it, and it falls to the ground.

0—2 Great Patriotic War. The searchlight is a large, bright lantern, it can shine far and light an enemy plane in the night sky so that this plane in the night sky can be seen by the soldiers at the anti-aircraft guns

0—3 World War II. Downed by a projectile of an anti-aircraft gun, a Nazi enemy aircraft on the ground, it burns.

Interesting statements about the benefits ofВ reading

– Reading for the mind is the same as physical exercises for the body. Joseph Addison

– The books have a special charm; books cause us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us. Petrarch F.

– All good books are especially similar in that they certainly excite in readers the desire to think about what is fair, beautiful and useful for people. Chernyshevsky N.G.

1-BOOKS ofВ those years that IВ read

IВ learned toВ read at 5В yearsВ old.

For me bought children’s books with pictures.

I liked to read, learn from books new, interesting. When I went to school at the age of 7, I immediately began to take books from the school library. Authors of books for reading were recommended to us by our teacher. See the files «BOOKS of those years.» I will name several authors and the names of children’s books:

1—1 Samuel Marshak. The book «Baggage»

1—2 Samuel Marshak. The book «For Kids».

1—3 Boris Zhitkov. The book «About animals Stories».

1—4 Boris Zhitkov. The book «What happened.»

1—5 Vitaly Bianchi. The book «Tales for Children.»

1—6 Vitaly Bianchi. The book «The Big Book of Stories.»

1—7 Korney Chukovsky. The book «Doctor Aibolit.»

1—8 Alexander Pushkin. The book «The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.»

1—8а Alexander Pushkin. The book «The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.»

1—9 Alexander Pushkin. The book «The Tale of Tsar Saltan».

1—10 Alexander Pushkin. The book «The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.»

1—11. The outstanding Soviet and Russian writer Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov wrote many interesting books for children. Look at the covers of several of his children’s books.

2- How came the idea ofВ my Fairy Tale В«Camel, Crocodile and FridayВ»

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